Save Veneta's Wild Turkeys!

The city of Veneta recently announced their decision to capture and kill the local wild turkeys due to complaints of them being a nuisance. They poop, like most animals, they make noise, and they mess up gardens and landscapes.

I don't know about you, but if I were to invest the time, money, and energy into building a garden.. I would invest time, money, and energy into protecting and maintaining my garden.

The city plans to kill the birds and donate them to the local homeless as food. I can support feeding the needy, sure. Great idea! But I have yet to see a food drive out here asking for donations. I'll gladly donate to spare the lives of these beautiful creatures. The city is unable to relocate them due to certain Game laws..

This is a small, rural community. We are in the middle of a drug epidemic, we have more crime than we can handle.. The point is being we have much bigger issues to worry about. These animals are the very least of our worries. This community needs to remember what is important and enjoy the natural beauty. 

Please help save the turkeys! 🦃

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