Shut Down South Korea's Monkey School!

  • por: Chris Wolverton
  • destinatário: Environmental Committee of the Korean Government

Animal Defenders International released an undercover investigation yesterday that reveals cruel treatment and horrible conditions at "Monkey School," a performing monkey attraction in South Korea.

The investigation revealed mother and baby monkeys living in isolated or cramped and crowded conditions, monkeys exhibiting bizarre behavior such as spinning and biting themselves, and abusive trainers hitting and dragging animals on the floor during training. One monkey was found dead in its cage.

Congresswoman Hanna Chang has proposed a Zoo Act that would establish animal welfare standards and prohibit circus-like animal performances like those that monkeys are forced to participate in at Monkey School. Please sign the petition to convince the Korean Government to pass the Zoo Act!

Animal Defenders International released an undercover investigation yesterday that reveals cruel treatment and horrible conditions at "Monkey School," a performing monkey attraction in South Korea.

The investigation revealed mother and baby monkeys living in isolated or cramped and crowded conditions, monkeys exhibiting bizarre behavior such as spinning and biting themselves, and abusive trainers hitting and dragging animals on the floor during training. One monkey was found dead in its cage.

As you know, Congresswoman Hanna Chang has proposed a Zoo Act that would establish animal welfare standards and prohibit circus-like animal performances like those that monkeys are forced to participate in at Monkey School. We respectfully urge you to stand up for these abused monkeys and other performing animals and pass the Zoo Act. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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