Urge Local Animal Welfare to Investigate Dog Shooting

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Richmond, VA Animal Care & Control, Law Enforcement Authorities

A puppy was reportedly shot by Richmond, Virginia police right outside of its home. Elsa Was shot in the paw while his owners were upstairs, not knowing their pet was in trouble when they heard some gunshots outside of their window. It wasn’t until their daughter told them he was shot, they went out and saw the trail of blood.

The owner, Mr. Timothy Crumpler stated that there was a “big hole about two inches in his foot and blew some of his toes off. I tried to put a tourniquet on to stop the blood.” Due to a cell phone video, an investigation is under way to determine if this police officer was even warranted in shooting this puppy. The officer claimed that the dog came out from underneath an abandoned home next door to them and attacked an officer, but they are disputing that. However, Mr. Crumpler told the officer that “If you shot him all the way next door you gonna find something, a blood trail leading back to where I seen him at.”

Elsa was taken to a vet to undergo treatment, requiring surging totaling $3,000. Unable to pay the fee, they could not confirm to the surgery and bring the dog home. However, we are asking the police department and the local animal welfare organization to look into this situation to determine if the officer was indeed warranted in shooting the animal or acting inappropriately. If found guilty of shooting this poor dog without probable cause, we are asking that the officer be held accountable and punished. You can help our efforts by signing this petition and sharing.

The good news is that Elsa was indeed returned to her owners after surgery. Mr. Crumpler states that, “Yes, we got our baby. I am so happy right now, but we still have a lot of work to get done she still needs surgery. But I am so happy she is coming home. Additionally, Elsa will need frequent wound care and surgery, and is looking for a hospital who will assist with Elsa’s needs.” Makayla, the 10 year-old daughter is thrilled that Elsa, her Christmas puppy is back home to love.

Richmond, VA Animal Care & Control, Law Enforcement Authorities – You need to do a thorough investigation into the shooting of Elsa the dog. The officer claimed that the dog came from an abandoned home next to its own residence but video thus far does not show evidence of a trail of blood from that home or if the dog actually did threaten the officer. Ensure you complete a full investigation and if the officer is guilty of shooting this pet for no apparent reason, gain justice for that animal by making the officer held accountable with repercussions. Officers need to all be trained on how to handle an animal when confronting without resorting to shooting it. Pets are family too and shouldn’t be treated inhumanely by police officers.

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