Demand a stop to GB Salmon/Georgian Bay Innovation Group’s plans to take water from Georgian Bay

  • destinatário: Everyone

The Bruce Peninsula Water Watch has recently discovered that Georgian Bay Innovation Group met with The Town of South Bruce Peninsula council behind closed doors, seeking approval of zoning to construct a 500,000 square foot fish factory.  The purchase of a 220 acre parcel at 83 Berford Lake Road, just north of Wiarton was concluded on April 13, 2021.  Part of the plan includes construction of a pipeline to remove, utilize and then return treated wastewater to Colpoy's Bay. The company has also secured a license from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and is actively seeking the other required permits to move forward with this project.  There is potential ecological and environmental impact to the area and the pristine waters of Georgian Bay. The carbon footprint of trucks servicing the factory is also of concern. This project must be stopped and be relocated to an area closer to end markets without exploiting the waters of beautiful Georgian Bay.

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