Stop the PROABITION on a medical benefiting plant!!!!!!!!!

  • por: Darrell Mayfield
  • destinatário: The Governing Bodies and Governor of Indiana

Medical Cannabis should be legel. It helps cure so many aliments. Cannabis is a lot safer than the drugs that "Big Medicine" produces. So its about time we speak up and get this on the ballot!!!! We need to make them speak of this issue, and listen to the people!!!  We deserve to decide, (instead of the Marijuana is a gate way drug bigots, set in their own ways. Even though THEY ARE WRONG!!!)  So Sign!  Lets get this to VOTE!!!!

We the people of Indiana want medical cannabis legel in Indiana. We have collected all of these signitures from citizens who are sick and tired of having a great medical treatment illegal.  Most of the signiture are from registered voters.  So listen up anit-cannabis people, We CAN make a change if this doesnt work, and YES WE WILL!!!

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