East Sussex Social Services Organised, Orchestrated Elderly Abuse of David JOE Neilson

  • por: Dusty Miller
  • destinatário: Alistair Burt MP Minister of State for Community and Social Care and Simon Kirby MP

An inquiry in to East Sussex Social Services Organised, Orchestrated Elderly Abuse of David JOE Neilson by named Social workers Daniel Frances & Sean McGough Susan Joy, Kelly Clarke. Must be exposed they have covered up of attacks beatings threats long term intimidation all covered up by these East Sussex social workers. They have done not one thing except make threats against this man.
He is 69 years old with Fibromyalgia P.T.S.D. and Macular eye disease. He is in hiding but the question now remains, where is David Joe Neilson and is he alive? We know he is very ill and has no money Please sign the petition now



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