Philippine Airlines- Stop Transporting Research Primates to Laboratories

Thousands of monkeys are transported to the USA to research laboratories to suffer cruel and inhumane experiments. In 2010, nearly 23,000 nonhuman primates destined for research laboratories were bought into the United States.

Some are ripped from their family groups, and others are captive bred in cramped, inhumane monkey farms. They are packed into small wooden crates and travel as cargo on passenger airlines where they can endure inadequate ventilation, noise, temperature fluctuations and delays en route as they are shipped on extremely long journey, and traumatized are before they even reach their final destination where they are tortured for research experiments.

Tell Philippine Airlines to stop the cruel transportation of research primates. Encourage them to  join other major airlines, (such as Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, U.S. Airways, TAM Airlines, Hainan Airlines, El Al Airlines, and dozens of others), by refusing to take part in the violent industry which profits from the misery by transporting monkeys to U.S. laboratories.

Send a message to Phillippine Airlines at and call the office closest to you. (Contact details are available here.)

Thousands of monkeys are transported to the USA to research laboratories to suffer cruel and inhumane experiments. In 2010, nearly 23,000 nonhuman primates destined for research laboratories were bought into the United States.

Some are ripped from their family groups, and others are captive bred in cramped, inhumane monkey farms. They are packed into small wooden crates and travel as cargo on passenger airlines where they can endure inadequate ventilation, noise, temperature fluctuations and delays en route as they are shipped on extremely long journey, and traumatized are before they even reach their final destination where they are tortured for research experiments.

Tell Philipine Airlines to stop the cruel transportation of research primates. Encourage them to  join other major airlines, (such as Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, U.S. Airways, TAM Airlines, Hainan Airlines, El Al Airlines, and dozens of others), by refusing to take part in the violent industry which profits from the misery by transporting monkeys to U.S. laboratories.

Send a message to Phillipine Airlines at and call the office closest to you. (Contact details are available here.)

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