Stop Eric D. Gray and Shut Down Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue (SPBR)

  • por: Justice Served
  • destinatário: Eric D. Gray and Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue (SPBR)
For almost a decade, Eric Gray has been "rescuing" pit bulls as Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue (SPBR). 

During this time, countless dogs have been neglected in his care. Denying necessary veterinarian attention, housing dogs in deplorable conditions with filthy, stacked crates, and dogs dying or "missing", are just some of the  complaints from volunteers, foster homes and adopters. 


The grievances against Gray don't end there. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in misappropriated funds from donations are unaccounted for and Gray still refuses to be transparent with the rescue's records and finances. 

More information regarding specific stories of the abuse and misconduct can be found here:

Finally, after years of dodging local authorities and outsmarting the SPCA, Eric D. Gray has been charged with animal cruelty and a felony count of practicing veterinary medicine without a license.

This petition's purpose is to show the system that we take animal cruelty seriously and it's not a victimless crime.  As the voice of the dogs, we demand justice be served and we want to make sure Eric Gray cannot harm another dog again. We want to see Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue shut down permanently. 
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