Chile Just Banned Animal Testing. Argentina and the U.S. Must Follow Suit!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Argentinian and U.S. governments
Chile has just become the latest company to do the remarkable - it has banned all animal testing for cosmetics! In fact, it even did so by a unanimous Senate vote.

Not only will companies inside Chile be prohibited from testing their makeup products on helpless, frightened animals, but additionally, Chile will not allow the importation or marketing of cosmetics made elsewhere in the world, if they were tested on animals.

This is a huge success for animal protection! Now ask the Argentinian and U.S. governments to follow Chile's lead and ban animal testing, too!

The life of a laboratory animal is sad, lonely, and filled with pain. Without knowing what is going on, they are locked in tight, barren cages and then their bodies are subjected to all manner of cruelty. Researchers smear abrasive, burning creams on their skin, inject them with needles, and apply toxic chemicals to their fur. And all this just to make some beauty products for humans.

Each year, experts estimate that more than 115 million animals - monkeys, dogs, rabbits, mice, and more - are used and abused in this way.

That's why it's so exciting to see that there's a worldwide movement to fight back against such exploitation. Chile is now the 45th country to have banned the use of animal testing for cosmetics, joining nations that include Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Canada, India, South Korea, Australia, the entire European Union, and more.

But so far, Argentina and the United States are not on that list. Their governments must rectify this now.

Argentina and the United States have an opportunity to show that they are on the right side of history! Sign the petition to demand their lawmakers ban animal testing for cosmetic products, too!
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