Demand the Bank of England stops using Palm Oil in Plastic Banknotes

  • por: Georgie B
  • destinatário: Governor of the Bank of England

The Bank of England plans to end the use of animal fat in its new plastic banknotes and use palm oil instead, according to a news report in

While ending animal suffering is good, destroying the habitat of orangutans and other endangered species in places like Indonesia and Malaysia is not the answer.

Environmental groups argue forests that oragutans depend on for survival have been destroyed specifically for palm oil plantations, which has driven the species to the edge of extinction.

As the report notes, "Palm oil, which is extracted from the fruit of the oil palm tree, is a controversial environmental group estimates it was responsible for 8% of global deforestation between 1990 and 2008."

The Bank of England must do more to save the orangutan by using sustainable alternatives like coconut oil or sunflower oil.

Please sign the petition to demand the Bank of England stops using palm oil in plastic banknotes.

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