Petition In Support Of Frank Sanchez As Mountain Lakes High School Principal

Dear Dr. Mucci,

We, the undersigned, support your choice as our district leader, but wanted to share with you our feelings about the interim principal, Frank Sanchez, as you make your final decison.

We wholeheartedly support Frank Sanchez as the permanent principal of Mountain Lakes High School. Mr. Sanchez has given years of hard work and dedication to this school district and to our children. He goes above and beyond in all he does, and he does it with a smile on his face and a kind word for all. As parents, we trust him to make honest, caring and intelligent decisions for our district. As students, we rely on him for support, respect and understanding during what can be four stressful and tumultuous years of high school.

Remember, new is not always better. Our students have been through a string of principals in all three schools over the past many years. It is time we recognize that Mr. Sanchez has been a stalwart during all this turnover. In addition, the high school is about to go through several more years of upheaval when the referendum building construction begins. Mr. Sanchez will be a calming presence during this time.

Frank Sanchez clearly cares deeply about his job, our schools and our children. Let's reward that and not miss out on keeping such a dedicated member of our community in a position he deserves.


Residents, Current and Former Students of Mountain Lakes

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