STOP the Otley Planning Disgrace

  • por: Alastair Watson
  • destinatário: Councillor Peter Gruen (Deputy Leader of LCC)

"We object most strongly to the substantial increase in houses in Otley (some 20%) implicit in the new Leeds Local Development Framework, particularly as this planned increase arises from individual housing sites without any consideration of the overall effect on the community."


"We object most strongly to the substantial increase in houses in Otley (some 20%) implicit in the new Leeds Local Development Framework, particularly as this planned increase arises from individual housing sites without any consideration of the overall effect on the community."

Atualização #310 anos atrás
This petition with a total of 2,227 Otley Residents signatures (paper and online) was presented to Councillor Peter Gruen of LCC on 4 August. If you have not yet signed and are a resident who agrees with the petition please sign now. Please visit our website
Atualização #210 anos atrás
“Otley – Just Another Suburb?” a public meeting on Monday 31 March about the massive increase in the size of Otley. Please add weight to your signature by attending this major meeting in Otley Methodist Church at 7:30pm. It will be an interesting event with high profile guests, presentations and Q&A sessions. If you are able, please do attend and bring along your friends!
Atualização #110 anos atrás
Thanks for signing the STOP the Otley Planning Disgrace petition which now has 190 signatures. This message has been sent because of a fault with the care2 petition website. The automatic confirmation email sent after you signed should have included an initial message from myself. It is understood many did not. This email is limited to 500 characters, please read the latest full update message in a PDF file on SkyDrive:

Alastair Watson
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