Let's take Action Now and End this Gross Conduct towards these DOGS

    During the past couple of weeks, I have been crossing a house in front of Tekant market 100 meters ahead of Bibu Apartment, Famagusta. 

    Walking past this house, I have realized two dogs injured and in two small cages locked up in this brutal heat for 24 hours of the day. The dogs whine and bark every time I pass by. I decided to take action by approaching the owner of the dogs, who seemed to care none about the dog's health and lives. Without any remorse, he shrugged it all off by commenting that he's kept them like this for over two years.

    To my dismay, this is inhuman. Dogs are not meant to be caged in small fences throughout the day, especially in this heat.

    We need to make sure our VOICES HEARD by the authorities and whomever that can free and tend to this gross injustice.
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