Help End The Bullying By Laaa Gueraaa On YouTube

Laaa Gueraaa, a YouTube channel, has been bullying other channels since March of this year. She first attacked Pink Fairy ( a YouTube channel) by calling her a racist, and doxxing her personal information after a personal spat between the two of them. PF left YouTube. Laaa then began stalking Munching and Chatting (another YouTube channel) after M&C started rallying for Pink Fairy, and trying to get people to get together for support asking PF to come back to YouTube. Laaa Gueraaa began to harass Munching and Chatting, to the point of watching M&C livestreams during her livestreams and bullying people supporting M&C. Laaa Gueraaa had a three month suspension for copyright infringement for doing so. M&C communicated with Laaa the entire time, as Laaa harassed her via direct messages. M&C actually felt sorry for Laaa and was kind to her, even though Laaa had been horrid to M&C. Munching and Chatting thought about lifting the strike, actually feeling bad for looking after herself... because M&C is a sweet person who wants peace. After the 90 days were up Laaa once again began harassing and bullying M&C. She does so daily. There is black and white proof she creates troll accounts to troll M&C and her supporters. This Laaa person bullies several other people as well. Help get this bully off of YouTube. She is nothing but a troublemaking bully.

Laaa also demeans little people by calling them "midgets" and calling them "clowns with dinosaur arms". There is no limit to her prejudice. 

Let me add you need to watch her livestreams. She does the majority of her bullying during those, then she deleted them so they can't be reported.

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