Demand Government to make surveillance cameras mandatory in residential care facilities

  • por: Gary Labelle
  • destinatário: Minister of Community and Social Services Hon. Helena Jaczek

Between 2008 and 2013 serious occurences in residential facilites have more than doubled. Many common areas of these facilities are not monitored by close circuit television. Our residents most in need of assistance and protection deserve to be cared for in a safe envirenment, and legislators should share in the duty to ensure all precautions are taken to prevent abuse and violence in a residential care setting. Allegations of abuse can be proven or disproven with close circuit monitoring, allowing protection for both staff and residents. We have a child that resides in a residential facility, He has Autism and is non-verbal. At certain times we have had concerns regarding his safety based on marks, bruises, and his attempts to tell us. Some local authorities lack the training needed to communicate with non verbal residents and sadly allegations get ignored. If there were videos that could be used, staff and residents would be protected.

Between 2008 and 2013 serious occurences in residential facilites have more than doubled. Many common areas of these facilities are not monitored by close circuit television. Our residents most in need of assistance and protection deserve to be cared for in a safe envirenment, and legislators should share in the duty to ensure all precautions are taken to prevent abuse and violence in a residential care setting. Allegations of abuse can be proven or disproven with close circuit monitoring, allowing protection for both staff and residents. We have a child that resides in a residential facility, He has Autism and is non-verbal. At certain times we have had concerns regarding his safety based on marks, bruises, and his attempts to tell us. Some local authorities lack the training needed to communicate with non verbal residents and sadly allegations get ignored. If there were videos that could be used, staff and residents would be protected.

Atualização #48 anos atrás
We Just did the Jim and Ike show on DCN promoting the petition man those guys are a blast. They made so easy to talk up. Got to say if you can listen to them starting at 4 on Sundays.
Atualização #38 anos atrás
We were at the bingo hall tonight got an additional 77 signatures and Karen was at the bowling alley got over 80 signatures we have an additional night at the bingo hall.on Monday
Atualização #28 anos atrás
So we are still receiving calls from people that want to sign the.petition. My wife has.provided her phone number to.ajyone that doesn't want to sign electronically and I still get calls from people that are interested. We just noticed a posting on another social edit site of a residential home care worker charged with 8 counts of sexual assault on residents. It us so important to keep our loved ones safe.
Atualização #18 anos atrás
I would like to thank everyone that signed the petition. We have been interviewed for the Standard Freeholder as well as the Cornwall Seaway News. Tomorrow we will be on television with Cogeco cable and CBC has called with interest in doing an interview. Let's keep this momentum going and share as much with all our social media friends.
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