• por: Marje Kimberly
  • destinatário: All United States Sheriffs, Mayors and County Commissioners

In July 2015 or sooner, Military Project JADE HELM 15 has invited themselves into Florida, Texas, California, Oklahoma and up to 30 states here in America. Clueless mayors, county commissioners and possible sheriffs have believed the lie, that armed soldiers from China, Russia and the U.S. will be using tanks and armed weaponry to "practice exercises" under the pretense of protecting our homeland! Nothing could be further from the truth! JADE stands for "Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution." while HELM stands for Homeland Eradication of Local Militants!" The #1 goal of this so-called practice is DISARMAMENT! Anyone who objects to this harmless request will be literally removed to a FEMA camp or underground Walmart Tunnel for disposal. This cannot be tolerated, and we have less than a month to stop all of this! Click the button next to our Petition Title above for an informative video!

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