Improve Pet Safety on Chinese Airlines!

  • por: Chris Wolverton
  • destinatário: Civil Aviation Administration of China

A golden retriever named Mars recently died on a China Southern Airlines flight to Beijing. After arriving, the owner discovered that her dog was missing from its crate. The dog was found deceased a day later, and the airline refused to give any explanation why the dog died.

Earlier in August, a Pekingese named Apple was found dead after another China Southern flight from Guangzhou to Dalian. Passengers reported pet crates being thrown around Chinese airports.

Chinese standards for pet transport on airlines are weaker than their foreign counterparts. They do not educate their passengers on the best practices for handling pets, nor do they have detailed guidelines for the appropriate temperatures for safe pet travel. While they only allow one animal per person, they have no guidelines for the maximum number of pets a flight can carry.

Risks can't be eliminated 100%, but Chinese airlines can improve standards to decrease harm to animals. Please sign the petition to urge the Civil Aviation Administration of China to improve pet safety on airlines!

To: Civil Aviation Administration of China

We, the undersigned, are concerned about pet safety on Chinese airlines.

A golden retriever named Mars recently died on a China Southern Airlines flight to Beijing. After arriving, the owner discovered that her dog was missing from its crate. The dog was found deceased a day later, and the airline refused to give any explanation why the dog died.

Earlier in August, a Pekingese named Apple was found dead after another China Southern flight from Guangzhou to Dalian. Passengers reported pet crates being thrown around Chinese airports.

Chinese standards for pet transport on airlines are weaker than their foreign counterparts. They do not educate their passengers on the best practices for handling pets, nor do they have detailed guidelines for the appropriate temperatures for safe pet travel. While they only allow one animal per person, they have no guidelines for the maximum number of pets a flight can carry.

Risks can't be eliminated 100%, but we believe Chinese airlines can improve standards to decrease harm to animals. We respectfully urge you to learn from other airlines about best practices for pet travel and revise your standards accordingly. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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