DRESS CODE: Stop making girls feel like they are the problem!

I was told that because you could see my skin in the very small rips in my jeans that I had to cover it up. I do not believe that I should be forced to change what I wear because of such a small thing. Our school says that having our skin showing through our jeans above our fingertips or having our shoulders exposed causes a distraction. I can understand if someone's behind is showing or falling out but I don't believe a small portion of my thighs showing or my shoulders showing should be a big deal. They say it distracts the male students but why should I have to refrain from wearing something I paid for just because a male cant stop looking at the small about of skin showing or my shoulders showing. Why can't the male be taught to not sexualize the small amount of skin showing and everyone continue their day because in all honesty its not hurting anyone.

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