please save dolphins

  • por: ctim
  • destinatário: everyone

Stop the needless trafficking and slaughter of millions of dolphins in a small bay area in the island of Taiji. The Japanese government knows about this and they allow it to continue for the sake of the fishermen that kill the dolphins mercilessly.PLEASE TELL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT and the city of Taiji, Japan, THEIR BEHAVIOR ARE NOT ACCEPTED.     Help    Don't touch dolphins Stop Whaling  Help and change attitude choose sustainable seafood  Ocean Conservation 101 Ways  Click to Save the World  Help Save Endangered Species  Please help to protect the...  dolphins  Help save wildlife, help save...  dolphins   HELP THE WORLD LITTLE BY LITTLE Make Difference to our... work together to provide safe...    Help animals better life   Don't pollute or litterPollution makes its way into bodies of water and wild areas, poisoning  dolphins Stop to empty our seas   Help animals  Save Babe    Hoping and petitionsite webeveryone see this petition is very lucky! Good
Hope good spread out to everywhere.    Thank 2 Randy Paynter & Care2 team 

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