Don't Raise UK Ducks Without Bathing Water!

Ducks are the third most commonly farmed bird for meat in the UK, but a YouGov poll for the RSPCA shows that 84% of citizens never considered how the ducks are raised.

The duck industry's Duck Assurance scheme standards allow ducks to be raised in windowless sheds without bedding, and may drink from a water dispenser similar to those found in hamster cages. Only one third of ducks are raised according to higher RSPCA standards, which require bathing water, bedding and natural daylight.

According to duck welfare expert Dr. Marc Cooper, "Ducks are waterfowl, they need bathing water, why else would they have webbed feet?" Bathing water is important for ducks' hygiene and quality of life. Please urge UK Supermarkets to only sell meat from ducks reared with bathing water.

Dear UK Supermarkets,

We, the undersigned, are concerned about the treatment of ducks in UK farms.

Ducks are the third most commonly farmed animal for meat in the UK, but a YouGov poll for the RSPCA shows that 84% of citizens never considered how the ducks are raised.

The duck industry's Duck Assurance scheme standards allow ducks to be raised in windowless sheds without bedding, and may drink from a water dispenser similar to those found in hamster cages. Only one third of ducks are raised according to higher RSPCA standards, which require bathing water, bedding and natural daylight.

According to duck welfare expert Dr. Marc Cooper, "Ducks are waterfowl, they need bathing water, why else would they have webbed feet?" Bathing water is important for ducks' hygiene and quality of life. We urge you to only sell ducks raised with access to bathing water in accordance with RSPCA standards. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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