Demand DNC Allow FBI to Examine Allegedly Hacked Servers, Now!

  • por: HA Goodman
  • destinatário: Tom Perez DNC Chairman

If Russia hacked DNC servers, why hasn't the DNC given these computer servers to the FBI for analysis?

According to The Hill "FBI never examined hacked DNC servers itself: report" and "no U.S. intelligence agency has performed its own forensics analysis on the hacked servers."

According to CNN "DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers" and "The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election."

Since the NSA is only "moderately confident" and CIA has only "high confidence" in Russian hacking narrative, it's imperative DNC servers be analyzed by the FBI.

Currently, no government agency has looked at or conducted forensic tests on servers that are believed to be "evidence" of Russian hacking.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez and the DNC must give their "hacked" computer servers to the FBI for analysis.

Also, why did the DNC refuse the FBI's request to examine these servers?

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