Stop the Inhumane Massacre Of Animals At Chinese Fur Farms

  • por: Ronda Bennett
  • destinatário: Inhumane Treatment of Animals At Chinese Fur Farms

If anyone watches this video you will understand why I started this petition. This video will be on my page for anyone to watch.But I warn you, if you love animals this will make you sick. Something needs to happen to change this horrible situation in China. There are humane ways to take an animals life and China needs to start using these methods. Please spread the word and sign this petition today and thanks for your help facebook friends. Just go to my Facebook page to watch this horror taking place.

Why do these inhumane practices continue. What is it going to take to get these China fur farms to start using a humane way of killing these poor animals. Why haven't they been shut down for good. We need everyone's help on this. Why isn't the President trying to do something. This has to stop, we can't let this continue. Please help.

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