Don't Allow Crocodile Hunting in Australia's Northern Territory!

  • por:
  • destinatário: Hon. Mark Butler, Australian Minister for the Environment
We've traditionally seen crocodiles as frightening killers; ones we conquer by hunting them on wild safaris. But crocodiles are so much more than that singular identity. In fact, one Costa Rican croc, Pocho, became best friends with a man who nursed him back to health after a gunshot wound left him blind in one eye.

That's part of why we need to stop the Australian federal government from re-opening the Northern Territory (NT) for commercial crocodile hunting.

Under the plan they're currently considering, 50 saltwater crocodiles would be sold for 'thrill kills' every year. The crocs could be hunted by amateur shooters on 'safari hunts' - a move that has no conservation benefit whatsoever.

Crocodiles can be friendly creatures, fast learners, and complex animals that deserve so much better than to be needlessly hunted for sport. Tell Australia's Minister for the Environment not to allow trophy crocodile hunting in the NT!
Dear Minister Burke,

As an Australian and friend to crocodiles, I am urging you to please keep trophy crocodile hunting illegal in the Northern Territory. These complex creatures are more than just 'game' for safari hunting and 'thrill killing'!

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