Shut Down Bonsai Kitten

  • por: Emily Wesendorf
  • destinatário: Administrator, Bonsai Kitten, Inc; Ennui Networks
We are appalled and disgusted with the actions taken by the company "Bonsai Kitten" and its website

The website contains photographic imagery depicting and promoting animal cruelty. We demand that the website owners and/or Ennui Networks shut down the site and remove the contents from the internet.

To: Dr. Michael Wong Chang, Administrator of BonsaiKitten and Ennui Networks, provider of hosting services for -

We are appalled and disgusted with the actions taken by the company "Bonsai Kitten" and its website

The website contains photographic imagery depicting and promoting animal cruelty. We demand that the website owners and/or Ennui Networks shut down the site and remove the contents from the internet.


The Undersigned.
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