Demand an end to Food commodities bullying and discrimination by San Antonio Housing Authority and volunteers!

At Lewis Chatham Apartments residents that are 60 years old and those who are not 60 are being subject to bullying, confrontation, intimidation, and harassment by commodities volunteers who block other residents from benefiting from the Food program and stealing and hoarding the food for themselves when there as plenty food for everyone. Our case manager is lazy and don't want to monitor the residents to avoid stealing and bullying by his volunteers. We demand fair treatment from the San Antonio Housing Authority We demand that new volunteers be placed in charge of the food. Management and our case manager know about the abuse by the volunteers and choose to allow it to continue.
Atualização #15 anos atrás
Reached out to the District 3 Councilwoman Rebecca Viagran. Unfortunately, she said for the residents to go to the local food bank and they can even arrange the food to be picked up for them. She must not never been to Saint Leo's and other Pantries in the area with all the rotten fruit and bad attitudes that go with getting the food. And last time they only have cakes and candy bars. No cheese apple juice or fresh milk or meat like the commodities the seniors get at Lewis Chatham Apartments
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