Kittens beaten to death, seeking vigorous prosecution

Henry L. Stetler, 69, of the 800 block of Englesville Hill Road was arraigned before District Judge Thomas H. Xavios on a charge of cruelty to animals. Stetler remained free awaiting further court action. We petition that this case be vigorously prosecutes and see that the stiffest animal cruelty charges are given to this animal abuser.
A Douglass Township man was arrested Thursday on a charge he clubbed
three 4-week-old kittens to death, then threw them out a fourth-story
window in a former textile mill in Reading.  Henry L. Stetler, 69, of the 800 block of Englesville Hill Road was
arraigned before District Judge Thomas H. Xavios on a charge of cruelty
to animals. Stetler remained free awaiting further court action. 

Stetler struck three kittens with a metal pipe Saturday in the building
in the 1100 block of Moss Street and threw them out the window, police
The mother cat returned during the beatings, and the mother cat and a fourth kitten got away from Stetler.

Karel I. Minor, executive director of the Humane Society of Berks
County Inc., 1801 N. 11th St., said he was glad police charged Stetler
with the misdemeanor charge. 

“I'm pleased he got the most serious possible charge,” Minor said. “The
Humane Society is pleased the police and district attorney's office
have chosen to take a case of animal cruelty this serious.”

We petition you, the Honorable

Mark C. Baldwin, to vigorously
prosecute this case and see that the stiffest animal cruelty charges
are given to this animal abuser.
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