Save our sea turtles

Our sea turtles are dying and we have to save them.

A team of scientists in Costa Rica found out that our endangered species of sea turtles have plastic straws blocking their airway. Plastic straws are one such single-use item ending up in our oceans by hundreds and thousands. Plastic can never be biodegradable that is why it is crucial for our oceans and the ecosystem there if we don't put an action to stop the use of plastic straws.

Watch here

We need your help to eradicate the use of plastic straws.

We are starting this petition in our community and hopefully, this reaches worldwide.

Please sign this petition and join us in saving our sea turtles.

"Saying no to straws seems like such a simple action, and it is. But actions like these really do make an anormous difference."

Visit our website The Straw Project

Atualização #27 anos atrás
we have updated our goal. Thank you for the support
Atualização #17 anos atrás
we have updated this petition, feel free to view again. thank you
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