Tell PTAs: Latino Kids Need Water at School!

Latino kids drink less water and more sugary drinks than their peers.

Why? Many Latino kids lack access to safe drinking water or see school water fountains as unsafe—and miss out on water's benefits, like hydration for fitness and academic performance.

Tell your State PTA to help schools prioritize access to water throughout the school day! #SaludWater!

Schools have many options to improve access to water.

Some schools transform classic water fountains—which often can't be accessed during class and are hard to use to fill up water bottles—into "filtered water bottle fountains" that make it easy for kids to fill and refill water bottles. Adding "water jets," which look like slushie dispensers, to New York schools reduced students' likelihood of being overweight by about 1 percentage point.

Schools with safe, free access to water give kids an alternative to sugary drinks, promote good oral health, save families money from buying bottled water, and reduce waste.

Tell your State PTA to use its "mom and dad" power to encourage schools to provide better access to safe, free drinking water to Latino and all kids! #SaludWater!
Dear State PTA,

I strongly support in-school access to safe, free drinking for Latino (and all) kids.

Research shows daily water consumption decreases consumption of sugary drinks, prevents cavities, and decreases risk of dehydration and its issues with concentration and short-term memory.

Sadly, many Latino kids lack access to water or perceive classic water fountains as unsafe.

Schools must act to increase access to water and support child health and education!

Please ask your local PTAs to urge schools to add filtered water bottle fountains, water jets, water as a lunchtime drink option, or other means of promoting access to water throughout the school day.

The PTA voice has lots of power to influence schools.

[your comment here]

Use it to help kids access more water, stay hydrated, and function better in school--#SaludWater!

[Your name]
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