Take Action for Earth Day by Telling Congress to Support Environmental Protections

Earth Day is April 22, but in reality, every day should be Earth Day.

After all, we only get one Earth.

Our elected officials have a duty and an obligation to keep us safe and healthy. And that starts with keeping our planet safe and healthy.

Climate change is already ravaging our planet. Hurricanes, wildfires, winter storms, flooding, droughts, and other extreme weather events have already affected millions of people around the world — and climate change will only make future extreme weather events worse.1

Luckily, we have the solutions to help fight it.

With new innovations in clean energy, electric cars, and energy efficiency, the solutions to fight climate change are already available to us today. We need our government to invest in these solutions to keep us all safe and ensure the future we all deserve.

Congress should work tirelessly to pass legislation that will help protect our environment, keep our air and water clean, preserve our natural resources, and safeguard our health — today and for future generations.

Add your voice to help remind the Members of Congress: It is your responsibility to keep us and our planet safe and healthy. We expect you to do everything in your power to help make that happen.

1. https://earthjustice.org/features/how-climate-change-is-fueling-extreme-weather  

Dear Members of Congress,

Earth Day is April 22, but in reality, every day should be Earth Day.

After all, we only get one Earth.

Climate change is already ravaging our planet. Hurricanes, wildfires, winter storms, flooding, droughts, and other extreme weather events have already affected millions of people around the world — and climate change will only make future extreme weather events worse.

Luckily, we have the solutions to help fight it.

With new innovations in clean energy, electric cars, and energy efficiency, the solutions to fight climate change are already available to us today. We need our government to invest in these solutions to keep us all safe and ensure the future we all deserve.

We call on you, the Members of Congress, to work tirelessly to pass legislation that will help protect our environment, keep our air and water clean, preserve our natural resources, and safeguard our health — today and for future generations.

Our elected officials have a duty and an obligation to keep us safe and healthy. And that starts with keeping our planet safe and healthy.

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