George Strait - "Gypsy Cowboy"

I am a song writer and this is a petition to get George Strait to cover one of my songs, "Gypsy Cowboy".  The only way to get his attention is to prove that there are fans out there that support this song and my efforts.  It is about a real person... a very good friend of mine.  Thank you for signing.
I wrote this song about a man I know, he is a bronc rider.  He told me his friends call him a gypsy because he never stays in one spot too long and that they tease him about not having a home because he keeps all his clothes in the back of his truck.  A SONG WAS BORN.

I have a collection of songs that I have written, but this one has gotten so many "I could hear George Strait singing that"'s that I have to at least try and get him to take a look at it.  The internet can be a powerful tool, I hope this works.  Let's see if George remembers his roots and gives a little ol Texas girl a break.

I would at least like an email from his manager telling me to quit bothering them. HA!  Thank you for taking the time to take a look at this and sign it, it means so much to me.

This is copywrited and I have a recording of it.  If you would like to listen, please email me at
Gypsy Cowboy

You wake up
In the back of your pick up
In a camper that costs more, than what you're drivin

You're on the road again
El Paso to Houston
Some call it crazy, you call it survivin

You've got a number
To a weekend lover
Oh, she could be more but you'll, never know

You see her face
Remember her warm embrace
But good heart's break easy so you just let her go

Oh you're just a gypsy cowboy
You're friends say you've got no home
Oh you're just a gypsy cowboy
Don't you ever.... get tired of bein alone

Your friends tell you
Sometimes she thinks of you
And when she's all done up she's quite a sight to see

You can't hear no more
Put your foot down on the floor
Fightin 8 seconds at a time, just to be free

Oh you're just a gypsy cowboy
The road can't hold a wife
Oh you're just a gypsy cowboy
And you say... that's just your life

Oh you're just a gypsy cowboy
You're friends say you've got no home
Oh you're just a gypsy cowboy
Don't you ever.... get tired of bein alone

Ride on cowboy, ride on
Ride on cowboy, ride on
Ride on cowboy... ride on

Crystal Dawn
(Crystal Bradford)

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