Tell Wal-Mart to Keep Their Environmental Promise

Wal-Mart, the world's largest company, has a history of building large stores in environmentally sensitive areas. It has been cited by the EPA for both Clean Air and Clean Water violations. Walmart is, in its own words, responsible for nearly 250 million tons of greenhouse gases each year.

Reacting to strong public criticism, Wal-Mart recently promised to be an industry leader for environmental sustainability. But are they really following-through?

That's where you come in. Hold Wal-Mart accountable for its promises. Encourage them to:
  • Partner with local community and environmental leaders to avoid environmental damage and other disruptions caused by the site selection, construction, and operation of any Wal-Mart store or facility.
  • Make every effort to promote renewable energy sources and material selection.
  • Strictly enforce a "Keep it Clean" policy with all of its suppliers, both foreign and domestic.
Show Wal-Mart you are watching: Sign this petition today!

Dear Wal-Mart,

You recently promised to be an industry leader for environmental sustainability. As a concerned citizen who cares about the environment I want to remind you to keep that promise.

[your comment here]

I encourage you to:

  • Partner with local community and environmental leaders to avoid environmental damage and other disruptions caused by the site selection, construction, and operation of any Wal-Mart store or facility.

  • Make every effort to promote renewable energy sources and material selection.

  • Strictly enforce a "Keep it Clean" policy with all of its suppliers, both foreign and domestic.

Thank you for your consideration.


[your name]
[your address]
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