President Obama: Make Climate Action A Priority

There can no longer be any doubt that climate change is the biggest environmental threat facing the planet.

The devastation delivered by Hurricane Sandy is our most recent reminder of that fact - the latest in a long list of devastating, record-breaking extreme weather events across the country.

The President has taken important steps in his first term. But to truly solve the climate crisis and unleash our clean energy future, climate action must be a top priority for President Obama and our national political leaders.

Take Action: Ask President Obama to make climate action a top priority in his second term.
Dear President Obama,

Congratulations on your reelection victory and thank you for taking important steps in your first term to promote cleaner energy and reduce America's carbon footprint.

As you look to set the priorities for your second term, I ask that you put the biggest environmental threat facing our planet at the top of that list.

The tragedy of Hurricane Sandy, which you witnessed first-hand, is just the latest in a long line of record-breaking extreme weather events, from wildfires to floods to devastating droughts.

The world's biggest reinsurance firm, Munich Re, reported that North America is experiencing a nearly five-fold increase in extreme weather disasters over the past three decades - a trend set to continue, thanks to climate change. This is weather on steroids.

Please put climate change at the top of your second term agenda, and help put us on the path to a safer climate future.

[Your Name Here]
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