Stop Hidden Phone Fees

  • por: Consumers Union
  • destinatário: Federal Communications Commissioners

    Does your phone bill
    drive you crazy?
In the coming weeks the FCC will vote on whether to put an end to deceptive charges on your phone bill—and consumers have until March 9th to weigh in!

Regulators need to ban long-distance and wireless companies from imposing misleading surcharges on our monthly bills. For example, some wireless phone companies began charging consumers to keep their phone number when switching companies. Depending on the company, this fee can range from $0.05 cents to $1.75 per month. Such extras can tack on a few extra dollars to your monthly bills disguised as fees and surcharges.

Ensure that your opinion on the issues is heard -- be part of the official record. Tell the FCC that you want them to stop the proliferation of confusing and deceptive fees on your bills and allow customers to truly compare prices of phone services.
Subject: Stop Hidden Phone Fees -- CG Docket No. 04-208

Dear Commissioners:

Stop hidden phone fees so I can truly compare prices of phone services. I support the petition filed by the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates and endorsed by other consumer advocacy organizations. CG Docket No. 04-208, Petition for Declaratory Ruling Regarding Truth-In-Billing and Billing Format, is long overdue.

[Your personal comment: Tell the FCC why phone bills should be truthful and easy to understand.]

Because this practice is tolerated by the FCC, long distance and wireless phone companies are able to hide the true cost of service. These add-ons make the advertised price of service significantly less than the amount of the check I have to write each month to pay the bill. Competition will not work if consumers cannot accurately compare prices when shopping for service.

Many states are stepping up to address this problem. They should be allowed to proceed. However, the FCC shouldn’t shirk its responsibility, nor limit states from doing more.

The FCC should immediately grant the NASUCA petition to investigate billing practices, and prohibit phone and wireless companies from imposing separate monthly fees, line items or surcharges unless expressly mandated by law or the charge is expressly authorized by a governmental authority.


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