Divest From BP

This year alone BP has killed our wildlife, fouled our ocean and ruined the livelihoods of thousands of people in the Gulf region. Moreover, the company's poor safety standards led to the deaths of 11 oil workers on the Deepwater Horizon rig, on top of the 15 killed in an explosion at a Texas refinery in 2005.

Though many boycott BP gas stations, because the company sells gas under many different names, this tactic has little impact on its bottom line. Here's the sad truth: BP still makes billions of dollars every year. Even worse, through your investments you could be supporting BP without even knowing it.

By divesting your money you can really hit them where it hurts. Find out which of your mutual funds support BP and receive financial advisory support to help you divest -- you can send a message that you won't stand for poor safety and environmental standards in the oil and gas industry.
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