STOP the Sangunioang Bayan of Claveria in Endorsing 13.25 Hectares of FOREST LAND USE to Private Individual Ms. Baby Aline Vargas-Alfonso

    Forest land at the Camalagaoan Mt., D Leano, Claveria is an environmentally sensitive area. It should be protected by the government and the people and NOT to be awarded for the use of private person. 13.25 Hectares is a very wide area for personal / tourism development. The mountain which has an over-looking view of sunset at Claveria Bay is already a natural beauty and tourist destination.

    In the year 2020 amid the pandemic, structures are built for development and more than 50 trees of good age were cut. The development was believed to be a government project since heavy equipments used in the start were equipments from the government or government properties.

    The endorsement of the Sanguniang Bayan of Claveria to use the Forest Land by a single private person MUST STOP!!!
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