Broadcast HOPE: Pray for the people of Haiti

Radio 4VEH Broadcast HOPE:
If you're praying for Haiti after the devastating earthquake, sign our petition. We are Radio 4VEH, The Evangelistic Voice of Haiti. We're broadcasting across Haiti, and in Port-au-Prince through the midnight hours, in the name of Jesus. Share your expression of support, concern and godly compassion with up to a million listeners.

God bless you
...Kate Michel

Radio 4VEH, The Evangelistic Voice of Haiti
We the undersigned are praying for the Haitian people after the devastating earthquake. We are praying for
- those in urgent need, that they will get immediate help
- those waiting for news of loved ones, that they will be comforted
- those who have lost, that God's love will surround them
- those responding, that they will have all the resources they need, and an extra measure of strength, courage and compassion
Signera petitionen
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