There is a definite awakening happening around the globe for justice. No longer are people accepting oppression, guns in their faces by dictatorial regimes and taking away of their voice: People want freedom and genuine peace.  China's CCP has been able to get away for decades with threats, murder of innocent people, torture, and the silencing of anyone who dared to speak up in Tibet and China.   The Chinese Communist Regime is bullying its way on the world stage by false promises, threats, lies and hiding the truth.

Chinese citizens who are silenced because they voice their disagreement with the Chinese regime  :
Beijing (AsiaNews / Agencies) - ''The Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei has said today that he will fight "until death" against charges of tax evasion that the Chinese government has laid against him. The Beijing authorities yesterday ordered a company linked to the artist to pay 15 million Yuan (1.7 million Euros) in back taxes and fines. The 54-year-old artist, who has been a thorn in the government's side for his satirical art and criticism of contemporary China, was detained without charge for 81 days this year. He was released last June on condition not speak to foreign media.''

Nobel price winner Liu Xiaobo was sentenced on Christmas Day 2009 for helping to draft a manifesto - Charter '08 - calling for political change.At the time he had been speaking out for 20 years, although he was still a relatively unknown figure both inside and outside China.People have been detained, prosecuted and sometimes simply scared, in an apparent attempt to curtail their already limited activities. (Source :

The crackdown on Tibetan monks :

''UN human rights investigators have urged China to halt a security crackdown on Tibetan monks in the country's south-west, warning that the measures are counter-productive and accusing officials of severe restrictions on freedoms of religion, expression and association.''

The young man's hands began to shake, and he tugged at his fingers to keep them still. The 20-year-old ethnic Tibetan was terrified of the police finding out that he'd spoken about the Buddhist monks who've been burning themselves alive.

"They're doing it because they want freedom," said the man, a livestock trader who asked that his name not be used because of safety concerns.

He paused before adding, "Because we want freedom."

(Source ;

Not only monks but basically anybody who speaks up :
Dharamshala: A 25-year-old Tibetan writer has been severely beaten and arrested for launching stinging attack on the Chinese government's wrong policies in Tibet in his book published earlier this year, reports from Tibet say.

Pema Rinchen, who writes under pen name "Stinger", was arrested by the Public Security Bureau in Dragko in Karze in eastern Tibet on 5 July. He was then severely beaten and admitted in a local hospital the next day, according to reports.


China's ties with Nepal another way to expand its power :

The International Campaign for Tibet Report 2009 brought to light the growing influence of China over the Nepali Government, judicial system, civil society and media. It further revealed how the Tibetans are experiencing a rise in harassment and extortion, more restrictions on their movements and greater difficulty in securing education and jobs than ever before. As the situation continues to remain the same, the United Kingdoms 12th Annual Report on Human Rights has voiced its serious concern about the Tibetan refugees freedom of expression in Nepal.

China's well known sweatshops, who claim to have 'good' working conditions, another example of their lying mentality :

Workers in the Foxconn plant at Shenzhen, a major manufacturing hub in southern China :

''Most of the 13 workers who tried to kill themselves jumped from buildings because they were unable to bear the stress, alienation and humiliation they experience daily. They come from a second generation of migrant workers who, unlike their rural parents, have much higher expectations of urban life. They have access to the Internet and mobile phones and constantly see the vast new wealth that they help to create, but do not own.'' (Source:

The above examples are just a very few of the thousands we could add if we had the place here on this petition to explain how China's Communist Regime has systematically bullied its way into world domination and the suppression of nations such as independent Tibet...invaded by the Chinese in 1959 and since then destroyed entirely, their people living in heartbreaking circumstances.
We are calling out to all concerned world citizens who want to stand up to injustice, lies, hypocrisy and the beating down of innocent people by the Chinese Communist Regime.
We are calling to all concerned Governments to show they agree with us by signing this petition as a gesture to CHINA that we no longer accept their lies and threats, *warnings* and silent overtaking of our countries, values and freedoms. In short: we want Justice served.

Yours sincerely,
United Nations for a Free Tibet
Dear Sir,
we are addressing this petition to you in the hope that you as the future leader of China, shall take our words to heart and understand that those have not been written lightly but come from  concerned world citizens who see what is happening around the world since China has become more aggressive and demanding to practically every Government. The many hundreds of *warnings* the CCP has issued to countries such as the USA and Germany for allowing HH the Dalai Lama to visit those nations, is just one example of gross intimidation used by the current Regime.
People might have been not so aware of your behavior in the past but thanks to the Internet, many things have come to light . Also the abhorrent situation Tibetans are living under in their own country Tibet, and the suffering they are enduring,  because of continuous inhumane actions by Chinese police and army, is beyond anyones acceptance anymore...and needs to be addressed immediately: No longer peoples suffering, is that in Tibet or China or any country bullied into submission by the CCP, can be and shall be accepted.
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