Haiti needs more help!

  We have heard about the consequences of the earthquake in Haiti,we watch them on the news,we hear our neighboors commenting on them.The facts are horrific but until where they reach us,they are only news.However they are reality to people that just as us have families and homes.
These people lost their loved ones,their homes,their belongings,their peace,their dignity and their hopes of one day living in better conditions if they work hard enough.I imagine,just imagine, that for Haitians at the moment this is something that feels that will last forever,with no end date or hopes to even guess one just for the sake of their own minds.

With 150,000 bodies already in mass graves, international teams, grieving families, sympathetic neighbors and sometimes even strangers were pulling at the rubble with tools or bare hands in countless corners of this devastated city. Thirteen days after the killer earthquake, they were desperate to recover some of the thousands of Port-au-Prince's lost dead - to close each tragic circle, to lay loved ones in the earth to rest in peace.

For the living - the homeless spread across empty lots, parks and plazas in the hundreds of thousands - there was little rest as aid agencies struggled to fill their needs for food and water, and to get them tents to shelter their families against the burning tropical sun.

 I have read of a woman who gave birth in the midst of the earthquake and with her hear on a bundle of mixed fabric and plastic,fed her child for the first time.Kids playing with toys made out of trash and dying of infection.People agonizing in pain with no care.For the survivors,the only thing that is left is to find out their loved one's bodies and to be able to burie them and to say goodbye.

 Mr.President Obama,

  We the undersigned, come through this letter to ask you for help for people over in Haiti.This is a request from people who as haitians have feelings and loved ones.
 We came to ask you have know all the good that the United States of America has already done for the world and for this particular cause.
  I have heard of women that have given birth during the eartquake and have no shelter to even keep their babies in,kids that play with trash and die from infection,several horrific stories that I am also sure you Mr.President are very aware of.
 We personally pled with you for any more help that could be given to our fellow citizens of the world;medicine,rescue teams,shelter,food,medical help,anything.We ask you,as the great leader you are,but foremost as the man,husband and father you are. I believe our hearts speak louder than our voices and I do believe that many hearts together can move the world.
  Us,citizens of the world thank you sinceraly for your help and attention.

     God Bless and Peace,

Natacha Caroline Tassini Jarvis

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