Require a Warrant for GPS Tracking!!

  • av: Rebecca Curtis
  • mottagare: We need the court's monitoring the sometimes overzealous GPS tracking

In many states the police currently believe they have the right to approach any vehicle, place a GPS device on it, and track you everywhere you go on any whim that suits them. Some States have banned the practice, but the majority of states have not. As technology gets cheaper this practice is spiraling out of control. If the police are going to place a GPS device on your vehicle they should have a burden of probably cause and should have to obtain a warrant. I know I do not like the idea of someone plotting everywhere I go whether I am going to political campaigns, the doctor's office, Church, or just to the grocery store I don't want to think I am being needlessly tracked!

We the undersigned do not believe any Government Agency, including the police, should be allowed to track our every movement. We believe if the police need to use a device to track our movements than they need to show their probable cause and secure a warrant. Without this simple protection the Government is free to monitor our every movement incluging which political party we are attending functions with, what religious services we attend, where we go to the doctors officer, and even where we do our grocery shopping. We believe the intrusion GPS tracking should require a showing of probable cause and a warrant!
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