The Somer Thompson Foundation are asking for your help in supporting "Somer's Law".  A brief synopsis is an initiative and referendum to Megan's law requiring registered Sex Offenders and Predators to live outside of "Somer's Safety Zone" ... a one mile radius from Schools coupled with a change in the AMBER Alert system that would require enactment of the system to take place within 30 minutes of a child abduction and the criteria for the process of the Alert be amended to expidite procedure within this 30 minute time period.

Diena Thompson - The Somer Thompson Foundation

We the undersigned and The Somer Thompson Foundation are asking for your help in supporting "Somer's Law".  A brief synopsis is an initiative and referendum to Megan's law requiring registered Sex Offenders and Predators to live outside of "Somer's Safety Zone" ... a one mile radius from Schools coupled with a change in the AMBER Alert system that would require enactment of the system to take place within 30 minutes of a child abduction and the criteria for the process of the Alert be amended to expidite procedure within this 30 minute time period. Thank you for your support.

Diena Thompson - The Somer Thompson Foundation

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