Sony DSC-H2 Camera Class Action Lawsuit

  • av: GeekAustin
  • mottagare: DSC-H2 owners who have had their shutter button break
The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H2 was released in 2006.This camera has a publicly known issue with the shutter button breaking, yet when you call Sony Customer Service they say "this is not a known issue".
Help Sony make this a "known issue" by signing this petition.Sony will repair this issue for $153 US, which is unacceptable.  You can nearly buy a new camera for the price to fix something smaller than a dime and to make matters worse, it's one of the most important and most utilized button on the device.
Information collected here will be released to our attorneys to begin a class action lawsuit against Sony.  Help us find restitution for the design flaw on this $400 camera.
We the undersigned demand that Sony cover costs to repair or replace our Cybershot DSC-H2 cameras.  The shutter button design is flawed.  This flaw causes the shutter button to simply pop off, rendering our cameras completely useless. 
We will not pay $153 to repair this widely experienced manufacturing defect.
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