Administering Sedatives Before Execution

  • av: Doreen (Dee) Hawk, The Abolishment Movement
  • mottagare:  States With Executions, Human Rights Groups, Amnesty International, Religious Leaders, Medical and Mental Health Professionals, And All Concerned People Worldwide
This petition is to stop the cruel and unusual practice of the psychological torture of death row inmates about to be executed. Because the thought of knowing exactly when you are to die can and most likely results in extreme anxiety, depression, fear, and mental anguish the administering of sedatives before executions should be protocol for all death row inmates.Because 13 states (Arizona, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Washington.) do administer sedatives to about to be executed inmates, the remaining states should show mercy on the condemned and also follow in the practice of sedating.Because the punishment of execution is the final debt to society, the mental anguish a condemned inmate may feel should be eliminated as much as possible, otherwise it is viewed upon as cruel and unusual, as it is unnatural to know the exact time you will die. This goes against the 8th amendment.We are asking for an immediate review on this matter, and ask that all executions be halted at least until this matter is solved and reviewed by the medical, and Mental Health professionals in our nation.
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