Adult User Fees Proposed For Jimmie Simpson

Jimmie Simpson is one of the few community centres remaining that have no fees to attend their swimming, yoga, aqua fit and other great classes. It is where communities get together to meet new, interesting people and most importantly get the fitness they need to stay strong and healthy.

The 2011 City budget proposes to add adult user fees at Jimmie Simpson. This means that unless you qualify for the city%u2019s %u201CWelcome Policy%u201D that Adult Programs at Jimmie Simpson will cost between $48 and $75 for a 9 week session.


We need to have the proposal reversed, they will make fitness and recreation programs unaffordable for many in the community. If we don't do anything about it now, the City can continue doing this for all the other free community centers that some of us need.


This change is going to City Council on February 23 to 25, 2011. So please act soon and we need as many signatures as possible.

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