Durarara!! Season 2

  • av: Fans
  • mottagare: Aniplex
During fanime 2011, Aniplex answered the question of 'will there be a second Durarara!! Season?' The answer they gave was 'if there is a demand from the fans then yes, there will be." So let's make this happen. This petition is for the second season of this wonderful anime. After all we want to see more of the Orihara twins, the sneaky yet polite leader of blue squares, serial killers, stalkers, twisted gang fights, more battles between Izaya and Shizuo.... BRING IT ON.YOUTUBE CHANNEL:  http://www.youtube.com/user/DurararaPetition?feature=mhee PLEASE SHOW MORE SUPPORT BY MAKING A FAN VIDEO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQy0uIPT97s 
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