End Saudi Arabia's Ban on Women Driving

Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive. They must hire drivers or, if they cannot afford a driver, must ask a male relative to drive them. This situation has serious implications for women's ability to work and take care of their daily lives. Further, if they were a passenger in a car and the driver became suddenly ill or was otherwise incapacitated, lives could be saved if women were able to drive.  
Being able to drive can save lives and time, as well as give women dignity.
Please end the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia.
We the undersigned request that you end the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia.Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive. They must hire drivers or, if they cannot afford a driver, must ask a male relative to drive them. This situation has serious implications for women's ability to work and take care of their daily lives. Further, if they were a passenger in a car and the driver became suddenly ill or was otherwise incapacitated, lives could be saved if women were able to drive.  Being able to drive can save lives and time, as well as give women dignity. Thousands around the world support Saudi women being able to drive and have expressed their support via Facebook.
Please end the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia.
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