Petition for more endorsement of Supernatural by CW CWnetwor

  • av: Anonymous
  • mottagare: Dawn Ostroff of the Cw Network
The overview for this petition is so that the fans of Cw's hit show 'Supernatural' can express their concerns for the lack of endorsement by it's network company.
We the undersigned would like to express our concerns for the lack of endorsement for the hit CW show 'Supernatural'.
Supernatural has a very large and dedicated fan base, however there should still be the need to attract new viewers and let Supernatural live up to the full potential it has.
We the fans would just like to say we understand the need for endorsement for other shows but we think the lack of endorsement for this particular show just shows lack of want from a network perspective, not of the fans. We do really appreciate for the continuation of the show and do really love all aspects of it.
Please consider more endorsement for this show wisely.
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