Genocide-Free Coltan for Technological Devices

  • av: jlhart7
  • mottagare: users of cell phones and other devices that contain coltan 

Coltan is a mineral used to make cellular phones, computer chips, stereos, VCRs, and other technological devices. A large portion of the world's supply of coltan comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where civil war has been financed by -- and waged in order to obtain -- this mineral. In this way, the world market for coltan is like the market for diamonds; as with diamonds, there is no way of knowing whether coltan in a particular device was ill-gotten from the Congo or not.

We the technology users wish to call upon the companies that make our cell phones, computer chips and other devices to make sure that the coltan in these products is not stained with the blood of innocent 
Congolese people.

By signing this petition, you affirm that you would be willing either to:
1) pay a higher price to ensure that coltan in the devices you buy does not come from the Congolese civil war


2) stop purchasing these devices, and to stop using them to whatever extent you personally find possible.


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