Keep 'All My Children' on Daytime!

UPDATE: ABC came out with an official statement on Thursday April 14th 2011 'All My Children' IS being canceled as of September 2011 and being replaced with 'The Chew'. We still have time to FIGHT!

If you haven't yet please sign this petition HERE and pass it around to everyone you know and have them sign it too, Join 'Keep AMC on TV' Facebook page HERE. Another thing we are doing in our fight to save our beloved show is by sending in old T-Shirts to the along with a short note saying

"We give the shirts off our backs, to SAVE 'All My Children"

adding we are also trying to give back wile getting our point across and adding for them to please donate all old shirts the receive to The Salvation Army.

Be sure to call daily and let your voices be heard, Here is all the AMC contact info you'll need...
Signera petitionen
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