Make Knights of the Old Republic 3

 This petition is meant to show Disney/EA that a significant portion of gamers still enjoy single-player RPGs and feel let down when a particularly noteworthy series is abandoned in favor of an MMO.  

 The goal here is to get enough signatures so even the bean counters guarding the license will agree following up on the series is a good idea.  Please tell your friends and family (none of the information below will be sold or used to spam you.)

 We loved the KOTOR games for their riveting stories, life-like characters, and about a million other reasons too numerous to name--name one by your signature if you like--all of which made the journey worthwhile.  We'd like it to continue.   

 So, if you've ever found yourself amazed by the choices these games forced you to make, or by some of the ones you found yourself making, or chuckled at what that faceless head had to say (who was that guy anyway?)  

 There's room for your name below. (Light and dark force points will be awarded accordingly.)

(Also join our community for ongoing updates:


We the undersigned represent a community of gamers, who enjoyed the single-player KOTOR series and respectfully ask that it continue.
While we can appreciate that market forces come to bear in the gaming industry, like any other, and that tough financial decisions must be made by companies hoping to survive, we feel that the decision to cancel KOTOR 3 cost EA a significant amount of revenue--not to mention disappointed a substantial portion of gamers, who would much rather continue the journey they started on, than find comfort in the diluted experience of an MMO.
Please reconsider.  The demand is sure to be high.  As the gaming market is overrun with shooters and thinly disguised clones of WOW, only a dwindling number of well-crafted, story-driven RPGs come out every year.  These are games that EA excels at helping create.  And as fans, we're hungry for every one.

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