Memorial Dedicated to The Victims of AA Flight 191

May 25, 2009 is the 30th  anniversary of the Crash of American Airlines Flight # 191.  Flight 191 plummeted to the ground shortly after takeoff from O'Hare when one of the engines flew off, severing the hydraulic system, rendering the plane unable to stop its plunge to the ground.  On that tragic day, 271 passengers and crew on the plane, and two people on the ground were killed in the ensuing explosion.  This crash  remains the single worst aviation crash in US history.  Yet to this day, there is no memorial site commemorating the lives of the 273 people who perished that Memorial Day weekend.
We respectfully ask the State of Illinois, the cities of Chicago and Des Plaines, and American Airlines to embrace our efforts to erect a memorial honoring those who died on that horrific day.
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